Louis Armstrong�s 50 Hot Choruses For Cornet
As Recreated By Bent Persson Vol. 3-4
In 1927, the Melrose Music Company asked Louis Armstrong to record
125 Jazz Breaks For Cornet to be published in written form and serve as help and
inspiration for all the musicians playing the stock arrangements they were selling on a large
from Laurence Bergreen: Louis Armstrong - An Extravagant Life:
"Throughout the world the name of Louis Armstrong is known to thousands of musicians,"
Melrose advised his customers. "Many of the greatest hot men we have today, men
who have enviable reputations as recording artists, will tell you they conceived many of
their tricks and ideas from the Armstrong style of playing." In conclusion, the publisher
urged, "If you want to get hot and stay hot, memorize these breaks. They will prove invaluable
to jazz cornetists as they may be used in playing any and all dance melodies."
The 125 (actually 119) Breaks sold so well that Louis later in the year was asked to record
50 Hot Choruses For Cornet. In fact 53 were published.