Louis Armstrong�s 50 Hot Choruses For Cornet
As Recreated By Bent Persson Vol. 1-2
" During the Chicago days I was sharing office with Walter
Melrose of the Melrose Music Co.. One day, in 1927, Melrose said he was going
to publish a set of Louis Armstrong breaks, but there was a technical problem of getting
the Armstrong "hot" breaks down on paper. Finally, Melrose and I hit on the idea
of having Armstrong record his breaks. We bought a $15 Edison cylinder phonograph and 50 wax
cylinders, gave them to Louis and told him to play. The cylinders were duly filled up by
Armstrong and the "breaks" were copied into written form. I transcribed the
"breaks", which were published. These were not orchestrated at any time and were not
made for that purpose. I had all the records (cylinders), later I turned them over to Melrose.
When I was in Chicago, in 1949, a collector was offering �1.000 per cylinder but Melrose and
I could not find them."
The Elmer Schoebel story, Doctor Jazz No. 32 (Oct. 1968)